Top 10 Facts to Know About Invisalign Attachments
Invisalign is embraced by numerous patients both teens and adults who are looking forward to straight teeth without metal braces. If you are suitable for Invisalign then there is something you might know regarding this orthodontic method known as attachments.
How attachments of Invisalign aligner perform?
Invisalign is quite powerful. It can shift the teeth’s root gradually over numerous months and weeks. But there are many cases in which aligner can’t perform at all. In such situations, orthodontist uses little buttons called attachments as key part of the treatment. It incorporates the Invisalign to push its limits and brings the changes in the position of the teeth no matter how they angle, shape and size.
In this blogpost, we’ll let you know about top 10 facts of Invisalign attachments.
- It is tiny
Attachments are tiniest much similar to tooth-coloured dots. It is made of material of composite filling bonded to the teeth and assist the aligner to move the aligner.
- Location matters a lot
Attachments are positioned in middle of teeth acting as anchor to guide the aligner to perform in much effective manner.
- Variation in shape
Attachment is varied in shape- triangular, rectangular, square and circular. Attachment type you are offered with is dependable on the individual goal and expectation from the treatment by addressing conditions like extrusion, intrusion and rotation.
- Imperative job for attachments
Attachments are actually the anchor for the aligner that makes the fitting snugly while shifting them efficiently. When the teeth move in the deliberate position, Invisalign treatment becomes seamless and easy to deliver you with the most desirable straight teeth.
- These can be annoying
As attachments attach to the aligner at some designated spots to offer secured trays putting it need much more precision. You are not clicking it out and in like a whimsical manner.
After removing the aligner from the mouth attachments cause irritation and build up of food debris surrounding the attachments is another annoying thing. So, be diligent regarding cleanliness of the attachments along your teeth right after having your food.
- Not all kinds of tooth need attachments
Attachments number you need is determined by the Invisalign provider or the orthodontist you visit during initial consultation. Certain teeth may need attachments but they don’t need buttons in that case.
- Attachments can or can’t be obvious
Front teeth attachments become more prominent than on any other teeth. Orthodontist will match the colour of buttons to that of your natural teeth to make a camouflage and less noticeable.
- Placing attachments is quite simple
Tooth surface is prepared for bonding and in this case a template of Invisalign will be used to make attachments location, filling the template and curing the bonding. It lets the tiny bumps to harden and stick to one place only. After the treatment is finished, buffing out of the bonding is done to ensure proper smooth surface of the teeth.
- You might not need attachments
If orthodontist determines that there is straightforward treatment plan, Invisalign will perform all possible jobs of alignment naturally. In that situation, you won’t need any attachment either.
- It makes Invisalign suitable for the patients in large number
You might have heard Invisalign can’t work efficiently for complex cases but in terms of suitability it can work with optimal support from attachments. Many reputed dental clinics make use of attachments to let the aligner shift the teeth which is impossible by Invisalign itself only.
If your excitement is damped due to the thought of putting attachments then there is nothing like that in real. It is excessively tough to notice. Don’t worry about getting the looks like conventional braces as attachments will hide by the aligner to make the treatment much more efficient and faster.
To check out your suitability to undergo Invisalign in London, visit Adult Braces Clinic!
Manish Kumar