Little-Known Facts About Quality Kitchen Plywood
Home and Garden

Little-Known Facts About Quality Kitchen Plywood

Plywood is a good alternate solution to solid wood. A lot of households sport plywood in their kitchens. Plywood came into existence in the early 20th century. While it is a great substitute for solid wood, there are a lot of benefits to using it as well:

  • Even though it is a substitute for solid wood, it looks exactly like solid wood. It shows a better-polished look when the veneer is used on top of it.
  • Plywood is considered to be as strong as solid wood. Plywood is made of wood sheets pressured together and glued together by strong adhesives.
  • Due to their sheer strength, they are also considered to be durable while remaining lightweight.
  • It is used in a lot of applications as fire repellant variants are available in the market. This property provides extra time for victims to evacuate during a fire accident.
  • It is considered to be environmentally friendly due to the efficient methods used in manufacturing this material.

The applications of plywood are plenty. Depending on the type of application, the properties can be varied to suit the same. In terms of using plywood in kitchens, it is a great material to use for cabinets or kitchen countertops.

Here are some interesting facts to know about plywood for kitchens:

  • Cooking can get messy in several households. In this process, water may spill onto the floors or the countertops. Plywood is not susceptible to damage caused by water or moisture. This makes it a great use case in kitchens.
  • As mentioned above, this material is durable. Plywood is not prone to cracks, and it does not shrink as well, which makes it perfect for use in kitchens.
  • It is a cost-effective solution for many households. The cost depends on the type of plywood and the thickness of the board being used.
  • As it is made from combining sheets and glued together using adhesives, it is super strong and bears heavy weights.
  • Due to the lightweight property that plywood possesses, it can be used for cabinets.

While plywood is a great alternative to solid wood, it is more expensive than MDF material. Sometimes, the edges can become rough. During these times, they need to be coated with laminates, or veneers which can be used to get rid of the rough edges.

There are various suppliers for plywood with applications in the kitchen. CenturyPly SAINIK 710 is a type of plywood that is completely waterproof and comes at attractive prices.

Making use of this type of plywood has 3 main advantages as follows:

  • It is considered a bwp plywood which means that the plywood is a Boiling Waterproof plywood, which makes the material robust. Typically this material is used in applications like kitchens and dining areas.
  • While making use of plywood is a cost-effective solution, SAINIK 710 also provides lower costs of renovations. This way, you can design your spaces without having to worry about the costs it will take to renovate the house. This material makes a great use case for kitchens.
  • As previously mentioned, plywood is an extremely strong material. So, it makes a great use case for kitchen cabinets.


Sainik Plywood is the plywood from CenturyPly, which is an affordable solution that is of BWP standard (Boiling and Waterproof standard). Apart from the durability aspect, this material is affordable with ensured quality standards. A common phrase that goes by “Paisa Wasool” can be mentioned in terms of this material. When choosing materials, you would expect good quality materials that are sturdy, stable, and last for a long time. To help with this, CenturyPly offers 8 years of warranty, unlike other suppliers.


Ishita Garg