wordpress update

How to update WordPress themes manually?

WordPress theme updates are truly important for the performance and security of your website build using WordPress. Apart from security and bug fixes, theme updates may also have new features with these updates.

WordPress allows you to download the theme package, unzip it, and replace the old files with the updated version. The process is very different from that of working with jamstack technology using headless wordpress. This will overwrite all old theme files installed on your website.

Most of the time the theme can be updated automatically, the modern website builders like Wix, Webflow, Squarespace building traditional websites. Modern technology like Jamstack website templates  are also available now built using static site generators like Gatsby, Next, and headless CMS like headless WordPress.

  • Updating Traditional WordPress Themes
  • Why do you need an updated theme?

Updating Traditional WordPress Themes

You may follow the basic steps to manually add custom code to your Gatsby WordPress theme files without losing any data or corrupting the file.

  1. First, you may get to transfer the newest version of your theme, if you got the theme on an external platform, please log in to your account and transfer the installable file from there. If you got the theme on ThemeForest, move to the ThemeForest transfers and download the installable file (installable WordPress files only).
  2. Unzip that file, you may realize within the folder known as an equivalent because the theme, wherever the theme files area unit set (the root folder of the theme is that the one that has the design.css go in it).
  3. Overwrite all the files within the current version of the theme (wp-content/themes/name-or-your-theme/) with the new files.
  4. If you’re doing this on your native server, simply copy/paste the complete folder and write all the files.
  5. If you change the remote (live website) server, you’ll be able to try this mistreatment FTP, SFTP, or SSH protocols.
  6. Make sure you create a backup of files and info earlier, simply in case.
  7. It is encouraged to check the items regionally 1st or on the test/staging server, as a result of some choices that could be affected by the updates.
  8. However, you can’t lose the content (pages, posts, services, galleries, comes throughout the update, as a result of all the content residing within the MySQL info and isn’t full of the update.

Why do you need an updated theme?

The theme customizer permits you to change your WordPress theme and store all changes within the Gatsby WordPress info. you’ll modification the Stackground header image, colors, layout, custom CSS, and more. Your WordPress widgets and navigation menus also are not full of theme updates.

The theme updates caries many fixes and features, so to secure your JAMstack website it is important for you to keep your JAMstack theme updated so that the website performance is not affected. A safe platform for building a website is the most important choice you should be making, the website builder like WordPress being the market leader has several benefits but has some drawbacks like speed, security, performance, and more.

While on the other hand, Jamstack themes technology is the modern technology that is build using the decoupled approach of website development wherein the frontend is built using static site generators like gatsby wordpress themes and backend is build using headless WordPress like that of the market leader WordPress being used as the back-end only.

This helps in updating the website theme without affecting the data. Since in case jamstack technology the headless wordpress does not have the theme on this platform while it is based on the static site generator like Gatsby or Next.JS.


Naveen Kumar

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