Health And Fitness

Body-Builders’ Take On The Right Gym Environment

This is one of the most searched things apart from workout schedule, what to eat or not by gym lovers who are passionate about their health. When an individual signs up for a gym membership he is looking for a good hygienic place, expert trainer, latest equipment, and well-maintained temperature environment. 

One of the most crucial aspects of running a gym is having good air conditioning and ventilation system. It is a place where people not only come to work out but to socialize with other people and make networks. 

Since they are spending a lot of time there, it is obvious for that place to be comfortable. Therefore, having a well air-conditioned place is a must, investing in a place which has excellent air conditioning Sydney will be great. Now a common myth arises whether workout gets interfered in AC? And the answer is NO!

Nowadays, when air pollution is worse all the time, it becomes very important to maintain the quality of the air we breathe in closed surroundings like cafes, offices, shopping malls, public transport and especially in gyms where we are pushing our body limits through rigorous workouts to become a healthier version of ourselves.

It is a known fact that our body gets cool down in air-conditioned surroundings, it is advisable to move around and have a proper warm-up before starting the workout session to avoid muscle stiffening right away especially on your heavy lifting days like back, leg, or shoulder days otherwise there will be a muscle tear. Don’t forget to stretch at the end of the session as well to keep the soreness away the next day.

Some other advantages are:

  • Spending more time in a comfortable gym will make you reach closer to your goals.
  • The recovery rate increases as your body cool down quicker
  • Comfort surroundings make you more relaxed and focused, hence decrease in the number of cramps during the workout
  • How does it affect the quality of your workout?
  • Does it help with ripping and lower body fat percentage?
  • Things to be kept in mind
  1. How does it affect the quality of your workout?

In general, the question of having an AC or not is invalid because it doesn’t affect the body or the workout quality, intensity. 

Although some people don’t like the wind coming directly to their face or body while working out and they would prefer a cooled-down environment over getting blown by cold air directly. In such scenarios, you can consider choosing a gym with ducted air conditioning in Sydney installed in your gym to suit your comfort while working out.

The other widespread myth includes people debating over the more sweat, the more calories burned. Here, we need to remember that this fact is unproven and sweat has no connection with the number of calories you burnt. Sweating is a way for your skin to get rid of the toxins present in your body. 

When your body sweats a lot, there are high chances of you getting a skin problem because it is seen that sweat can clog your pores. In this case, it is always a wise decision to get the membership of that gym you’ve always wanted to get started with but hesitating due to their Air Controlled temperature. It is a go-to place for all hygiene lovers as well, as it may make you feel comfortable and clean.

  1. Does it help with ripping and lower body fat percentage?

The truth is, working out in an AC gym doesn’t have an upper hand over a non-AC one when it comes to the rate of achieving a fit body. It is all about the time, effort, and dedication you are putting in. Being strict with your diet and workout regime, coming up at the gym every day, focusing on intensity, rest days are the key to make a difference.

Whatever you do in the gym, the quality and intensity of the workout are directly proportional to the results. The air conditioning system is just the helping factor here, making it more comfortable for you, in the end, it is all about your hard work.

  1. Things to be kept in mind

  • Choose a certified trainer and follow his instructions 
  • Always warm-up before a workout, this will avoid having any cramps while working out 
  • Stretching is an equally important post-workout so that you don’t face any soreness later 
  • Diet plays a major role in your transformation, just because you’re regular with your workout regime, it doesn’t mean you can go and have a burger and french fries party with your friends. 
  • Importance of cheat meals. Although diet and Workout go hand in hand, it is advisable to have a cheat meal on a timely basis to get your body in the right frame of mind and start on new plans. Always consult your trainer before indulging in one.


Emily Traylor

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